Complete vindication for our clients in a historic chicken antitrust trial

Congratulations to Pilgrim’s Pride executives Roger Austin and Bill Lovette and their lawyers—Michael Feldberg and Laura Carwile of Reichman Jorgensen Lehman & Feldberg LLP, Julie Withers of Harris St. Laurent, and John Fagg, James McLaughlin, and Kaitlin Price of Moore & Van Allen PLLC—for their momentous victory in defense of criminal antitrust allegations.

The U.S. Department of Justice accused the men and three other chicken executives of price-fixing schemes involving the nation’s largest poultry producers. After an unprecedented third criminal trial following two prior mistrials, a Denver jury found the executives not guilty.

DOAR is proud to have supported the two defendants and their outstanding legal teams by providing jury consulting, jury selection, trial graphics, and trial strategy consulting.

Read more news about this case on Law360.

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