Filtered By: Jury Consulting

DOAR Releases Results from a National Survey of Jurors’ Attitudes Toward Pharmaceutical Companies

May 14, 2024, New York, NY—DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting company, today released important findings from a new national study that examines several issues suspected of influencing jurors’ baseline attitudes toward pharmaceutical companies. The findings indicate that opinions of the pharmaceutical industry are generally favorable despite a prevailing view of it as profit-centric. The […]

Attorneys Rely on DOAR Director Ellen Brickman to Decode Juror Sentiment in Complex Litigation

| DOAR |
DOAR Director, Ellen Brickman, Ph.D., is a pioneer in jury consulting, having advised attorneys on hundreds of high-profile criminal and civil cases throughout her 30-year career. She is regarded by top attorneys as one of the nation’s leading jury consultants, especially in the areas of white collar criminal defense and intellectual property, and has also […]

Seasoned Jury Consultant Chad Lackey helps attorneys understand jurors’ mindsets on high-stakes matters

| DOAR |
DOAR Director Chad Lackey, Ph.D. is one of the nation’s top jury consultants, having worked on a wide range of complex, high-stakes cases throughout his 20 years career. With experience working on high-profile cases—dating back to working with prosecutors on matters like the OJ Simpson robbery trial and the Phil Spector murder trials, Dr. Lackey […]

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