Insights & News.

White Collar Criminal Defense Acquittals in 2022 Mark Notable Year of Success for DOAR

| DOAR |
January 30, 2023 – New York, New York – 2022 marked a notable year for DOAR, the nation’s leading trial consulting firm, driven largely by its involvement in several high-stakes, prominent white collar criminal defense matters that resulted in victories for DOAR’s clients. The company attributes its success to its commitment to excellence, its longstanding […]

DOAR Managing Director Andy Cepregi Takes High-Tech Trials to the Next Level

| DOAR |
Andy “Bunky” Cepregi is a well-known, respected trial presentation consultant through his 20+ years of work with many of the nation’s top trial lawyers. He has been the lead trial consultant in more than 100 trials, including bench and jury trials, arbitrations, and court-related hearings. He specializes in high-tech presentation strategies, courtroom technology, and the […]

Defendants Vindicated in Harvard Fencing Team Bribery Case

| DOAR |
Congratulations to Jie “Jack” Zhao and his lawyers at Quinn Emanuel—William D. Weinreb, Michael T. Packard, Jessica Reese, and Elizabeth Kelly—for their victory in defense of allegations against Zhao of bribery related to Harvard fencing team admissions, reminiscent of the “Varsity Blues” cases. Following a trial before U.S. District Judge George A. O’Toole in District […]

The White-Collar Defense Juror and the “Trump Effect”: An Empirical Analysis

For the last six years, litigators have pondered the question: Have jurors changed in the wake of the Trump era? Our nation underwent cataclysmic shifts in values and ideologies after Trump’s election in 2016 and became polarized on key social and political issues in unprecedented ways. As issues of racial, gender, and economic inequality rose to the […]

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