Insights & News.

Not Guilty on All Counts for Thomas Barrack in Illegal Lobbying Trial

| DOAR |
Congratulations to Thomas Barrack and his lawyers at Willkie Farr & Gallagher—Michael Shachter, Randall Jackson, Steven Ballew, Casey Donnelly, and Jordan Reisch—and Jim Bowman at O’Melveny for their resounding victory against foreign lobbying charges and claims that Mr. Barrack lied to federal officials. Following a six-week trial before U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan in the […]

DOAR Director John Hicks helps clients worldwide make their case presentations stronger

DOAR Director John Hicks is no stranger to working on complex cases across industries and practice areas. As one of the nation’s leading consultants advising top attorneys on international arbitrations and trials, Hicks has expertise working under pressure and in unique environments. Over his 15-year career, Hicks has worked on several hundred cases, including multi-billion-dollar […]

Seasoned Jury Consultant Chad Lackey helps attorneys understand jurors’ mindsets on high-stakes matters

| DOAR |
DOAR Director Chad Lackey, Ph.D. is one of the nation’s top jury consultants, having worked on a wide range of complex, high-stakes cases throughout his 20 years career. With experience working on high-profile cases—dating back to working with prosecutors on matters like the OJ Simpson robbery trial and the Phil Spector murder trials, Dr. Lackey […]

Reassessing Jurors’ Attitudes in Light of the Growing Uncertainty of Venue in Patent Litigation

| Chad Lackey |
Upended again, predominant venues for patent litigation have become increasingly difficult to predict. First, the 2017 TC Heartland decision effectively put an end to the dominance of Marshall’s Rocket Docket. Patent cases filed in the Eastern District of Texas dropped from 1,665 in 2016 to 505 in 2018. Then, following Judge Albright’s appointment in 2018, […]

The trial consultants trusted by the nation’s leading trial lawyers.