Sweeping Win for Yale University in Defense of a $5.5B ERISA Class Action Dispute

Congratulations to Yale University and Mayer Brown LLPNancy G. Ross, Reginald R. Goeke, Brantley Webb, John Nadolenco, and Michelle N. Webster—for their sweeping victory in defense of a $5.5 billion ERISA class action lawsuit.

Following a four-week trial in Hartford, Connecticut Federal Court, the jury deliberated for just one day and dismissed all four counts that claimed Yale mishandled the administration of the school’s retirement plan and violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

Led by DOAR President Scott Allen, DOAR’s consulting team—Ellen Brickman, Ph.D., Roy Futterman, Ph.D., Maria Obregon, Emma Katz, Andy Cepregi, Daniel Lee, Ruke Keragala, and April Mihalovich—was proud to provide jury consulting and graphics consulting and assist with trial strategy.

Read more about the verdict on Law360.com.

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